Keithley 2520/KIT1 Pulsed Laser Diode Measurement Kit
Keithley 2520/KIT1 Pulsed Laser Diode Measurement Kit
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Hotline: 0906.988.447
Liên hệ: Hồ Chí Minh
- Điện thoại: (028).3977.8269
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- Địa chỉ: 487 Cộng Hòa, Phường 15, Quận Tân Bình, TP. HCM
Liên hệ: Bắc Ninh, Hà Nội
- Điện thoại: (0222).730.0180
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- Địa chỉ: 184 Bình Than, Phường Võ Cường, TP. Bắc Ninh
Tư vấn kĩ thuật Miễn phí
Miễn phí vận chuyển Đơn hàng trên 3 triệu
Điện áp DC thả nổi: ±10VDC
Nguồn dòng: 5A
Nguồn áp: 10V
Nguồn xung: 0–5.0 A Pulse
Số kênh SMU: 1
Công suất: 50W
Độ phân giải đo: 700nA / 0.33mV
Cổng kết nối: IEE-488 và RS-232
Trọng lượng: 2.67kg
Kích thước: 105mm H × 238mm W × 416mm D
Hệ thống sourcemeter để bàn Keithley 2520/KIT1
Thông tin sản phẩm:

The Model 2520 Pulsed Laser Diode Test System is an integrated, synchronized system for testing laser diodes early in the manufacturing process, when proper temperature control cannot be easily achieved. The Model 2520 provides all sourcing and measurement capabilities needed for pulsed and continuous LIV (light-current-voltage) testing of laser diodes in one compact, half-rack instrument. The tight synchronization of source and measure capabilities ensures high measurement accuracy, even when testing with pulse widths as short as 500ns.
LIV Test Capability
The Model 2520 can perform pulsed LIV testing up to 5A and continuous LIV testing up to 1A. Its pulsed testing capability makes it suitable for testing a broad range of laser diodes, including the pump laser designs for Raman amplifiers. The instrument's ability to perform both DC and pulsed LIV sweeps on the same device simplifies analyzing the impact of thermal transients on the LIV characteristics of the laser diode.
Maximize Throughput and Eliminate Production Bottlenecks
By working in cooperation with leading laser diode manufacturers, Keithley designed the Model 2520 specifically to enhance chip- and bar-level test stand yield and throughput. Its integrated design, ease of use, high speed, and high accuracy provides a complete solution to help laser diode manufacturers meet their production schedules. Producers of laser diodes face constant pressure to increase test throughput and optimize return on investment for their capital equipment used in production testing. Until recently, these producers were forced to use relatively slow and cumbersome test stands for testing laser diodes at the chip and bar level, which often led to production bottlenecks.
Phụ kiện
Hướng dẫn sử dụng
Hướng dẫn khởi động nhanh
Cáp triax x2
Cáp BNC coaxial 10W x 4

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Keithley 2520/KIT1 Pulsed Laser Diode Measurement Kit

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