LeCroy WaveMaster 804Zi-A 4 GHz, 4 CH

LeCroy WaveMaster 804Zi-A 4 GHz, 4 CH

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Lecroy WaveMaster 804Zi-B 4 GHz Oscilloscopes

Key Features 
  • Up to 30 GHz bandwidth and 80 GS/s sample rate 
  • The most advanced oscilloscope user interface 
  • The industry’s only true hardware 14.1 Gb/s serial trigger 
  • Low Jitter Measurement Floor and exceptional timebase stability 
  • Comprehensive set of serial data analysis, debug, validation and compliance tools 
  • Integrated 50 Ω and 1 MΩ inputs for true connection and probing flexibility 
  • Integrated standard and custom measurements and math functions for unrivaled analysis capability 
  • Multi-lane serial data eye, jitter and crosstalk analysis 
  • Real-time de-embedding, emulation, and equalization 

Exceptional Performance 
With up to 30 GHz bandwidth, 80 GS/s sample rate, extremely stable timebase and a 14.1 Gb/s serial trigger the WaveMaster 8 Zi-B has the hardware performance to capture today’s high-speed signals. 

Revolutionary Usability 

The WaveMaster 8Zi-B is a sophisticated instrument, designed for solving complex problems. But the MAUI user interface, along with the WaveMaster 8Zi-B’s 15.3” high-resolution touchscreen, makes advanced analysis easy to set up and use. A flat menu structure puts the most common tools in the easiest reach. Sophisticated multi-grid displays are easy to configure. Vertical, horizontal and acquisition setting changes are made without obscuring waveform display. 

Made to Solve 

MAUI provides the most tightly-integrated toolset of any oscilloscope user interface. Track measured parameters across acquisitions, trend their variations on longer timescales, or visualize and measure their distributions using histograms. Chain multiple measurements and math functions together to easily create custom analysis features for your applications. Integrate third-party programming environments, such as MATLAB, directly into the scope’s processing stream for even more customization. 

Debug and Validation Made Easy 

Connecting a problem with its root cause often requires looking at the signal in multiple domains. The WaveMaster 8Zi-B allows you to combine multiple analysis types into a single, correlated display: analog signals, protocol decodes, eye diagrams, measurement parameters, and other relevant information are presented side-by-side, in real-time. 

Configurations Optimized for Serial Data Analysis 

The SDA 8 Zi-B models have been specifically configured to handle today’s most challenging serial data applications. As well as doubling the standard memory depth, the SDA 8 Zi-B comes as standard with a 6.5 Gb/s true hardware serial pattern trigger, and the SDAIII core toolset, which provides tightly-integrated and comprehensive eye diagram and jitter analysis for NRZ signals. 

SDAIII toolset 

The Teledyne LeCroy SDAIII-CompleteLinQ Serial Data Analysis products contain multilane eye and jitter analysis, LaneScape™ comparison modes, vertical noise measurements, and crosstalk analysis tools. These capabilities provide the deepest insight into the behavior of multi- or single-lane serial data systems. 

Decode From Bit-level to Protocol Layer 

Decoders are available for over 20 low-speed and high-speed serial data buses. These fully-integrated analysis tools annotate the acquired analog waveform with the corresponding decoded data, as well as providing a comprehensive, exportable decode table. 

For many standards, ProtoSync allows a view from even higher up the protocol stack, linking the physical-layer waveforms to full transaction- and protocol-layer analysis. 

Automated Compliance Testing 

Teledyne LeCroy’s QualiPHY software makes it easy to perform automated compliance tests and produce comprehensive test reports on a wide array of serial standards including: 

  • PCI Express (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) 
  • USB1, USB2, USB 3.0 
  • SAS2, SAS3, SATA 
  • 10/100/100 BASE-T, 10GBASE-T, 10GBASE-KR, SFI 
  • HDMI 1.4, DisplayPort 1.2 
  • MOST50, MOST150, BroadR-Reach 

Vertical System

Analog Bandwidth (Max)4 GHz
Analog Bandwidth @ 50 Ω (-3 dB) (ProLink Input)4 GHz (≥10 mV/div)
Analog Bandwidth @ 50 Ω (-3 dB) (ProBus Input)3.5 GHz (≥10 mV/div)
Analog Bandwidth @ 1 MΩ (-3 dB) (ProBus Input)500 MHz (typical, ≥2 mV/div)
Rise Time (10-90%, 50 Ω)95 ps (test limit, flatness mode)
Rise Time (20-80%, 50 Ω)71 ps (flatness mode)
Input Channels4 (Any combination of ProLink and ProBus inputs)
Bandwidth Limiters20 MHz, 200 MHz, 1 GHz
Input ImpedanceProLink Inputs: 50 Ω+/-2% for ≤100 mV/div, 50 Ω+/-3% for >100 mV/div ProBus Inputs: 50 Ω+/-2% or 1 MΩ||16pF, 10 MΩ || 11 pF with supplied Probe
Input CouplingProLink Inputs - 50 Ω: DC, GND ProBus Inputs - 1 MΩ: AC, DC, GND; 50 Ω: DC, GND
Maximum Input Voltage50 Ω (ProLink): ±2 Vmax@≤100mV/div, 5.5Vrms@>100mV/div 50 Ω (ProBus): ±5 Vmax, 3.5 Vrms 1 MΩ (ProBus): 250 V max. (peak AC: < 10 kHz + DC)
Channel-Channel IsolationDC to 10 GHz: 50 dB (>315:1) 10 to 15 GHz: 46 dB (>200:1) 15 to 20 GHz: 40 dB (>100:1) (For any two ProLink input channels, same or different v/div settings, typical)
Vertical Resolution8 bits; up to 11 bits with enhanced resolution (ERES)
Sensitivity50 Ω (ProLink): 2 mV-1 V/div, fully variable (2-9.9 mV/div via zoom) 50 Ω (ProBus): 2 mV-1 V/div, fully variable; 1 MΩ (ProBus): 2 mV-10 V/div, fully variable
DC Vertical Gain Accuracy (Gain Component of DC Accuracy)±1% F.S. (typical), offset at 0V; ±1.5% F.S. (test limit), offset at 0V
Vertical Noise Floor (50 mV/div)1.20 mVrms (typical)
Offset Range50 Ω (ProLink): ±500 mV @ 2-100 mV/div ±4 V @ >100 mV/div -1 V/div 50 Ω (ProBus): ±750 mV @ 2-100 mV/div ±4 V @ >100 mV/div -1 V/div 1 MΩ: ±1V @ 2-140 mV/div ±10V @ 142mV-1.40V/div ±100V @ 1.42V-10V/div
DC Vertical Offset Accuracy±(1.5% of offset setting + 1.5% F.S. + 1 mV) (test limit)

Horizontal System

TimebasesInternal timebase common to 4 input channels
Time/Division Range20 ps/div-128 s/div (Real-Time Mode: 20 ps/div - 64 s/div; RIS mode: 20 ps/div - 10 ns/div, user selectable at ≤10ns/div; Roll mode: 100 ms/div up to 128 s/div, user selectable at ≥100 ms/div and ≤5 MS/s), depending on memory length
Clock Accuracy< 1 ppm + (aging of 0.5ppm/yr from last calibration)
Sample Clock Jitterup to 10µs Acquired Time Range: 100fsrms (Internal Timebase Reference)up to 6.4ms Acquired Time Range: 150fsrms (Internal Timebase Reference)
Delta Time Measurement Accuracy√2*√((Noise/SlewRate)^2+(Sample Clock Jitter)^2 ) (RMS)+(clock accuracy*reading)(seconds)
Jitter Measurement Floor√((Noise/SlewRate)^2+(Sample Clock Jitter)^2 ) secondsrms (TIE)
Jitter Between Channels<500fsrms (TIE, typical, measured at maximum bandwidth)
Trigger and Interpolator Jitter<0.1 ps rms (typical, software assisted), 2 ps rms (typical, hardware),
Channel-Channel Deskew Range±9 x time/div. setting or 25 ns max. (whichever is larger), each channel
External Timebase Reference (Input)10 MHz; 50 Ω impedance, applied at the rear input
External Timebase Reference (Output)10 MHz; 50 Ω impedance, output at the rear

Acquisition System

Single-Shot Sample Rate/Ch40 GS/s on 4 Ch (80 GS/s on 2 Ch using optional WM8Zi-2X80GS External Interleaving Device)
Random Interleaved Sampling (RIS)200 GS/s for repetitive signals (20 ps/div to 10 ns/div)
Maximum Trigger Rate1,000,000 waveforms/second (in Sequence Mode, up to 4 channels)
Intersegment Time1 µs
Standard Memory (4 Ch / 2 Ch / 1Ch) (Number of Segments)20 M / 20 M / 20M (Memory and Sample Rate can be doubled in 1 or 2 Ch mode with use of WM8Zi-2X80GS External Interleaving Device) (2000)
Memory Options (4 Ch / 2 Ch / 1Ch) (Number of Segments)S-32 Option: 32M / 32M / 32M (7,500) M-64 Option: 64M / 64M / 64M (15,000) L-128 Option: 128M / 128M / 128M (15,000) VL-256 Option: 256M / 256M / 256M (15,000) Note: On all memory options, WM8Zi-2X80GS External Interleaving Device permits 80 GS/s on 1 or 2ch with twice the memory)

Acquisition Processing

AveragingSummed averaging to 1 million sweeps; continuous averaging to 1 million sweeps
Enhanced Resolution (ERES)From 8.5 to 11 bits vertical resolution
Envelope (Extrema)Envelope, floor, or roof for up to 1 million sweeps
InterpolationLinear or Sin x/x

Triggering System

ModesNormal, Auto, Single, and Stop
SourcesAny input channel, Aux, Aux/10, Line, or Fast Edge. Slope and level unique to each source (except line trigger)
Coupling ModeDC, AC, HFRej, LFRej
Pre-trigger Delay0-100% of memory size (adjustable in 1% increments of 100 ns)
Post-trigger Delay0-10,000 divisions in real time mode, limited at slower time/div settings or in roll mode
Hold-off by Time or EventsFrom 2 ns up to 20 s or from 1 to 99,999,999 events
Internal Trigger Range±4.1 div from center
Trigger Sensitivity with Edge Trigger ProBus Inputs2 div @ < 3.5 GHz, 1.5 div @ < 1.75 GHz, 1.0 div @ < 200 MHz, (for DC coupling, ≥ 10 mV/div, 50 Ω )
Trigger Sensitivity with Edge Trigger ProLink Inputs2 div @ < 4 GHz, 1.5 div @ < 3 GHz, 1.0 div @ < 200 MHz, (for DC, AC, LFRej coupling, ≥ 10 mV/div, 50 Ω )
External Trigger Sensitivity, (Edge Trigger)2 div @ < 1 GHz, 1.5 div @ < 500 MHz, 1.0 div @ < 200 MHz, (for DC coupling)
Max. Trigger Frequency, SMART Trigger2.0 GHz @ ≥ 10 mV/div (minimum triggerable width 200 ps)
External Trigger Input RangeAux (±0.4 V); Aux/10 (±4 V)

Basic Triggers

EdgeTriggers when signal meets slope (positive, negative, or either) and level condition.
WindowTriggers when signal exits a window defined by adjustable thresholds
TV-Composite VideoTriggers NTSC or PAL with selectable line and field; HDTV (720p, 1080i, 1080p) with selectable frame rate (50 or 60 Hz) and Line; or CUSTOM with selectable Fields (1-8), Lines (up to 2000), Frame Rates (25, 30, 50, or 60 Hz), Interlacing (1:1, 2:1, 4:1, 8:1), or Synch Pulse Slope (Positive or Negative).

SMART Triggers

State or Edge QualifiedTriggers on any input source only if a defined state or edge occurred on another input source. Holdoff between sources is selectable by time or events.
Qualified FirstIn Sequence acquisition mode, triggers repeatably on event B only if a defined pattern, state, or edge (event A) is satisfied in the first segment of the acquisition. Holdoff between sources is selectable by time or events.
DropoutTriggers if signal drops out for longer than selected time between 1 ns and 20 s.
PatternLogic combination (AND, NAND, OR, NOR) of 5 inputs (4 channels and external trigger input). Each source can be high, low, or don't care. The High and Low level can be selected independently. Triggers at start or end of the pattern.

SMART Triggers with Exclusion Technology

GlitchTriggers on positive or negative glitches with widths selectable as low as 200ps to 20 s, or on intermittent faults.
Width (Signal or Pattern)Triggers on positive, negative, or both widths with widths selectable as low as 200ps to 20 s, or on intermittent faults.
Interval (Signal or Pattern)Triggers on intervals selectable between 1 ns and 20 s.
Timeout (State/Edge Qualified)Triggers on any source if a given state (or transition edge) has occurred on another source. Delay between sources is 1 ns to 20 s, or 1 to 99,999,999 events.
RuntTrigger on positive or negative runts defined by two voltage limits and two time limits. Select between 1 ns and 20 ns.
Slew RateTrigger on edge rates. Select limits for dV, dt, and slope. Select edge limits between 1 ns and 20 ns.
Exclusion TriggeringTrigger on intermittent faults by specifying the expected behavior and triggering when that condition is not met

Cascade (Sequence) Triggering

CapabilityArm on "A" event, then Trigger on "B" event. Or Arm on "A" event, then Qualify on "B" event, and Trigger on "C" event.
TypesCascade A then B: Edge, Window, Pattern (Logic) Width, Glitch, Interval, Dropout, or Measurement. Measurement can be on Stage B only. Cascade A then B then C (Measurement): Edge, Window, Pattern (Logic), Width, Glitch, Interval, Dropout, or Measurement. Measurement can be on Stage C only. Cascade A then B then C: Edge, Window, Pattern (Logic)
HoldoffHoldoff between A and B or B and C is selectable by time (1ns to 20s) or number of events. Measurement trigger selection as the last stage in a Cascade precludes a holdoff setting between the prior stage and the last stage.

High Speed Serial Protocol Triggering

Data RatesOption WM8Zi-6GBIT-80B-8B10B-TD: 600 Mb/s to 6.5 Gb/s, Channel 4 input only Option WM8Zi-14GBIT-80B-8B10B-TD: 600 Mb/s to 14.1 Gb/s, Channel 4 input only
Pattern Length80 bits NRZ, eight 8b/10b symbols
Clock and Data OutputsNo Clock and Data Recovery outputs provided

Low Speed Serial Protocol Triggering (Optional)

Optionally availableI2C, SPI (SPI, SSPI, SIOP), UART-RS232, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, I2S (Audio), MIL-1553

Measurement Trigger

Measurement Trigger CapabilitySelect from a large number of measurement parameters trigger on a measurement value with qualified limits. Can be used as only trigger or last event in a Cascade Trigger.

Color Waveform Display

TypeColor 15.3" flat panel TFT-Active Matrix LCD with high resolution touch screen
ResolutionWXGA; 1280 x 768 pixels.
Number of tracesDisplay a maximum of 16 traces (up to 40 with some software options). Simultaneously display channel, zoom, memory and math traces.
Grid StylesAuto, Single, Dual, Quad, Octal, X-Y, Single+X-Y, Dual+X-Y
Waveform RepresentationSample dots joined, or sample dots only

Internal Waveform Memory

Internal Waveform Memory12 active waveform memory traces (M1-M12) store 16 bit/point full length waveforms. Waveforms can be stored to any number of files limited only by the data storage media capacity.

Integrated Second Display

TypeSupports touch screen integration of user-supplied second display with split-grid capability. (Note: touch screen driver for second display may not be a Fujitsu driver)
ResolutionDetermined by display chosen by user

LeCroy WaveStream™ Fast Viewing Mode

Intensity256 Intensity Levels, 1-100% adjustable via front panel control
TypesSelect analog or color-graded
Number of Channelsup to 4 simultaneously
Max Sampling Rate40 GS/s (80 GS/s with optional WM8Zi-2X80GS external interleaving device)
Persistence AgingSelect from 500 ms to Infinity
Waveforms/second (continuous)up to 2500 Waveforms/second
OperationFront panel toggle between WaveStream ON (Analog), ON (Color) and OFF

Analog Persistence Display

Analog and Color-Graded PersistenceVariable saturation levels; stores each trace's persistence data in memory
Persistence TypesSelect analog, color, or three-dimensional
Trace SelectionActivate persistence on all or any combination of traces
Persistence AgingSelect from 500 ms to infinity
Sweep Display ModesAll accumulated, or all accumulated with last trace highlighted

High Speed Digitizer Output (Option)

TypeLeCroy LSIB
Transfer Rateup to 325 MB/s (typical)
Output ProtocolPCI Express, Gen 1 (4 lanes utilized for data transfer)
Control ProtocolTCP/IP
Command SetVia Windows Automation, or via LeCroy Remote Command Set


TypeIntel® CoreTM i7-2600 Quad, 2.6 GHz (up to 3.8 GHz in Turbo mode) (or better)
Processor Memory8 GB standard for STD memory (20 Mpt), S-32 and M-64 memory options 16 GB standard for L-128 and VL-256 memory options Up to 32 GB optional
Operating SystemMicrosoft Windows® 7 Professional Edition (64-bit)
Real Time ClockDate and time displayed with waveform in hardcopy files. SNTP support to synchronize to precision internal clocks.

Zoom Expansion Traces

Zoom Expansion TracesDisplay up to 12 Zoom and 12 Math/Zoom traces

Setup Storage

Front Panel and Instrument StatusStore to the internal hard drive, over the network, or to a USB-connected peripheral device.


Remote ControlVia Windows Automation, or via LeCroy Remote Command Set
Network Communication StandardVXI-11 or VICP, LXI Class C (v1.2) Compliant
GPIB PortSupports IEEE - 488.2
LSIB Port (optional)Supports PCIe Gen1 x4 protocol with LeCroy supplied API
Ethernet PortSupports 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet interface (RJ45 port)
USB Portsminimum 6 total (incl. 3 front panel) USB 2.0 ports support Windows compatible devices
External Monitor Port15 pin D-Type WXGA compatible to support customer-supplied external monitor. Includes support for extended desktop operation with second monitor.
Peripheral BusLeCroy LBUS standard

Auxiliary Input

Signal TypesFor External Trigger Input
Coupling50 Ω: DC; 1 MΩ: AC, DC, GND
Max. Input Voltage50 Ω: 5 Vrms; 1 MΩ: 250 V (Peak AC < 10 kHz + DC)

Auxiliary Output

Signal TypesSelect from calibrator, control signals or Off
Output Signal500 Hz-5 MHz square wave or DC level; 0.0 to 500 mV into 50 Ω (0-1 V into 1 MΩ)
Control SignalsTrigger enabled, trigger out, pass/fail status, off
Connector TypeBNC, located on front

Automatic Setup

Auto SetupAutomatically sets timebase, trigger, and sensitivity to display a wide range of repetitive signals
Find Vertical ScaleAutomatically sets the vertical sensitivity and offset for the selected channel to display a waveform with the maximum dynamic range


Auto CalibrationEnsures specified DC and timing accuracy is maintained for 1 year minimum.


ProbesQty. (4) ÷10 Passive Probes
Probe SystemProbus and ProLink. Automatically detects and supports a variety of compatible probes
Scale FactorsAutomatically or manually selected depending on probe used
Calibration OutputCal Output: 1kHz square wave, 1Vp-p (typical), output to probe hook. Fast Edge output: 5MHz square wave, 350mVp-p (typical), 50ps rise time, output to SMA connector, AC Coupled.

Power Requirements

Voltage100-240 VAC ±10% at 45-66 Hz; 100-120 VAC ±10% at 380-420 Hz; Automatic AC Voltage Selection, Installation Category II
Max. Power Consumption975 W / 975 VA

Environmental and Safety

Temperature (Operating)+5 °C to +40 °C including CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive
Temperature (Non-Operating)-20 °C to +60 °C
Humidity (Operating)5% to 80% relative humidity (non-condensing) up to +31 °C. Upper limit derates to 50% relative humidity (non-condensing) at +40 °C.
Humidity (Non-Operating)5% to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing) as tested per MIL-PRF-28800F
Altitude (Operating)Up to 10,000 ft. (3048 m) at or below +25 °C
Altitude (Non-Operating)Up to 40,000 ft. (12,192 m)
Random Vibration (Operating)0.5 grms 5 Hz to 500 Hz, 15 minutes in each of three orthogonal axes
Random Vibration (Non-Operating)2.4 grms 5 Hz to 500 Hz, 15 minutes in each of three orthogonal axes
Functional Shock20 g peak, half sine, 11 ms pulse, 3 shocks (positive and negative) in each of three orthogonal axes, 18 shocks total

Physical Dimensions

Dimensions (HWD)14"H x 18.4"W x 16"D (355 x 467 x 406 mm)
Weight51.5 lbs. (23.4 kg)
Shipping Weight70.0 lbs. (31.8 kg)


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