All the technology device such as mobile phone, television, controller is related to electronic work. In the process of manufacturing, researching, repairing these devices, engineering will require using a lot of measurement equipment to achieve the best result. These are a list of basic electrical test equipment:
Here's the list of basic electrical test equipment:
Clamp meter (Ammeter): using in measuring current
Capacitance meter: measuring capacitance
Máy đo dòng thứ cấp: Một dụng cụ hiển thị tham số của một hiệu điện thế hoặc một dòng điện như là một điện thế hoặc một dòng điện thứ cấp
Cos Phi Meter hay Cosphi kế
Distortion meter: With this equipment, you can easily check the frequencies which cause the distortion.
ESR meters: measuring ESR parameter of real capacitors.
Frequency counter: This electrical measurement equipment measures the frequency of the periodic electrical signal.
Leakage tester: This equipment is specifically designed to find the leakage in current and ensure the safety of your devices.
LCR Meter: measuring the inductance, capacitance, and resistance
Multimeter: Measuring many electrical parameters such as voltage, current, resistance, frequency,…
Network analyzer: measuring network parameters with analytical functions.
Ohmmeter: Displaying resistance measurement results
Oscilloscope: Displaying the waveform of the signal and also displaying multiple parameters in the time domain.
Signal analyzer: Measuring both amplitude and RF signal modulation
Signal generator: generating signals for testing purposes.
Spectrum analyzer: measuring the power of the spectrum through magnitude and frequency in the full frequency range of the input signals.
Wattmeter: measuring wattage
Vectorscope : this equipment is used to measures the chrominance of the video signal. It typically uses in testing color components of televisions.
Safety Testers, Hi-Pot Tester: Check electrical leakage for safety purpose
Semiconductor test
Source measure unit

Lidinco has provided electronic measurement equipment for thousands of customers. Our clients are manufacturing factories, research centers, schools, warranty centers, repair centers, and numerous engineers operating in the industry.
Lidinco is the distribution representative, sales agent, direct distributor of most of the world’s leading manufacturers of electronic measurement equipment such as Tektronix, Keysight, Twintex, Siglent, Sanwa, Hioki. Rohde & Schwarz, Wayne Kerr, NI…
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